Humanized Management Model

The cooperative is a space that facilitates the choice to be happy by achieving operational excellence, being coherent between what we believe and what we do.

Here we have developed a process of organizational innovation, through the model of humanized management, in which the welfare and self-realization of people is fundamental for development and business self-management. We are convinced that people with a common collective purpose, are willing to deploy all their capabilities to generate a significant social contribution.

To achieve this, we guarantee permanent training to our associates, stable income, incentives, scholarships, credits for educational and housing projects, we have welfare, health, leisure, young cooperative members and leaders training programs, all aimed at the integral growth of our associates.

Wellness Program for our Associates:

“We associates are owners, managers and workers of Industrias Integradas, a jointly owned company, which facilitates the choice to be happy by achieving extraordinary results.”


Life and accident insurance.



Social Security